1. Amidst the tumultuous era of World War II, where nations clashed and heroes emerged, there existed moments of solace and unity, often found in the simplest of pleasures. In this culinary journey, we delve into the heart of that period, where a humble pretzel cake became a symbol of resilience and comfort amidst chaos. Join me as we explore the fusion of history and culinary delight, crafting a dessert that pays homage to the indomitable spirit of those who lived through those turbulent times.
  2. Imagine a time when the world was engulfed in the flames of war, yet amidst the darkness, there flickered the light of camaraderie and perseverance. Our journey today transports us back to the 1940s, a time when every morsel of food carried not just sustenance, but also stories of courage and hope. Through the lens of a delectable pretzel cake, we uncover tales of ingenuity and resourcefulness, celebrating the human spirit’s ability to find sweetness even in the bitterest of times.
  3. As the world grappled with the horrors of World War II, ordinary individuals were thrust into extraordinary circumstances, finding solace in the most unexpected places. Today, we embark on a culinary expedition back to that tumultuous era, where a simple confectionary delight, the pretzel cake, served as a beacon of comfort amidst the chaos of battlefields. Through each decadent layer, we honor the resilience of those who endured, weaving together history, nostalgia, and the tantalizing aroma of freshly baked goods.
  4. In the crucible of World War II, where nations clashed and ideologies collided, there existed moments of quiet defiance and unwavering resilience. Our culinary adventure today invites us to step into the kitchens of yesteryear, where inventive bakers transformed the ordinary into the extraordinary. Through the creation of a WWII-inspired pretzel cake, we pay homage to the indomitable spirit of those who faced adversity with creativity and determination, turning flour and sugar into symbols of perseverance and hope.
  5. As the world was engulfed in the chaos of World War II, every aspect of life bore the weight of uncertainty and upheaval. Yet, amidst the turmoil, there emerged pockets of warmth and familiarity, often embodied in the simple joys of home-baked treats. Today, we embark on a culinary journey that transcends time, exploring the historical significance of the pretzel cake during this pivotal period. Join me as we unravel the layers of history and flavor, crafting a dessert that not only delights the palate but also honors the resilience of those who found solace in the sweetness of simpler times.
  6. In the annals of history, World War II stands as a testament to the resilience of the human spirit, a period marked by both tragedy and triumph. Amidst the chaos of conflict, however, there existed moments of respite, where the aroma of freshly baked goods filled the air, offering a brief escape from the harsh realities of war. Today, we pay homage to those moments with a culinary tribute—a pretzel cake inspired by the ingenuity and resourcefulness of wartime bakers. Join me as we sift through the pages of history, blending together flour, sugar, and nostalgia to create a dessert that not only tantalizes the taste buds but also commemorates the indomitable spirit of those who lived through WWII.

WW 2 points pretzel-cake

Ingredients :
100 grams Pretzel sticks
1/3 Cup I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter The Light One melted
2 TBSP Monk fruit sweetener
1 1/2 Cups Nonfat Greek yogurt
8 TBSP Fat-free Cool Whip
1/4 tsp Vanilla bean paste or extract
1 Package Simply Delish sugar-free vanilla pudding mix
1 Package Simply Delish sugar-free raspberry jel mix
1/3 Cup Cold water
1 1/3 Cup Boiling water
12 Ounces Fresh raspberries
Instruction :
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
Melt the butter and set aside.
Place the pretzels into a Ziploc bag and break them into small pieces.
In a bowl combine the pretzels, melted butter and monk fruit sweetener. Mix until combine.
Place the pretzel mixture into a greased oven-safe dish (I used a 9×7 one) and press with your fingers firmly to molt the crust.
Bake for 12 minutes and let cool.
While the pretzel crust is in the oven, In a bowl put the nonfat Greek yogurt, vanilla, cool whip and sugar-free pudding mix. Mix until combine.
Put the yogurt mixture over the pretzel crust and smooth out.
In a separate bowl add the jello, cold water to dissolve then add the boiling water. Mix until combined.
Add the fresh raspberries then mash up.
Pour jello mix over the yogurt mixture and place the entire dish into the fridge for a few hours to solidify.