
  • 2 cups of raw white cabbage, finely shredded
  • 1 medium carrot, finely chopped
  • 2 tbsp of ground flax seeds mixed with 6 tbsp of water (this is a vegan egg substitute)
  • 2 tbsp of vegan sour cream (you can use store-bought or make your own with silken tofu, lemon juice, apple cider vinegar, salt, and sugar)
  • 4 tbsp of almond flour
  • 1/2 tsp of baking powder
  • 1/2 tsp of baking soda
  • 1/2 tsp of salt or to taste
  • 1/4 tsp of pepper or to taste
  • 2 tbsp of fresh dill, finely chopped (optional)
  • 1 tbsp of green onion, finely chopped (optional)
  • 2 garlic cloves, minced (optional)


  1. Rinse the cabbage and remove the top leaves. Chop the cabbage finely using a food processor or a knife.
  2. Add 1/2 tsp of salt to the cabbage and massage it well with your hands. Let it sit for 10 minutes, then squeeze out the excess juice if any.
  3. Add the grated carrot to the cabbage and mix well.
  4. Add the flax eggs, vegan sour cream, baking soda, baking powder, almond flour, salt, and pepper to the cabbage mixture and stir until well combined.
  5. If desired, add the green onion, garlic, and dill for extra flavor.
  6. Preheat your oven to 200°C/392°F and line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
  7. Drop a tablespoon of batter onto the prepared sheet and flatten it slightly. Repeat with the remaining batter, leaving some space between each fritter.
  8. Bake the fritters for 15 to 20 minutes or until golden and crisp, flipping them halfway through.
  9. Serve the fritters with vegan sour cream or your favorite sauce. Enjoy your delicious and crunchy vegan cabbage fritters!

Vegan Cabbage Fritters

Embark on a flavorful journey with our Vegan Cabbage Fritters—a delightful twist on the traditional fritter that celebrates the versatility and goodness of plant-based ingredients. These savory delights are a testament to the creative possibilities of vegan cuisine, showcasing how humble cabbage can be transformed into a crispy and satisfying treat. As we delve into the creation of these fritters, prepare to experience a medley of textures and flavors that elevate this everyday vegetable into a star ingredient.

At the heart of our Vegan Cabbage Fritters is the humble cabbage, finely shredded and combined with a blend of complementary ingredients to form a flavorful and hearty batter. This versatile cruciferous vegetable becomes the hero of this recipe, offering a crisp texture and mild sweetness that pairs beautifully with an array of spices and herbs. The fritters not only make use of cabbage’s humble nature but also showcase its potential to shine in a variety of culinary applications.

These fritters go beyond the ordinary, presenting a delicious alternative for those seeking plant-based options or looking to add more vegetables to their diet. Vegan Cabbage Fritters demonstrate that plant-based living can be both satisfying and innovative, providing a crispy and savory snack or side dish that delights the taste buds while remaining cruelty-free.

The batter for these fritters combines shredded cabbage with a mix of flour, ground flaxseeds, and an assortment of spices and herbs. The use of flaxseeds not only acts as a binding agent but also adds a nutritional boost with omega-3 fatty acids. The result is a golden-brown exterior that gives way to a tender and flavorful interior—a delightful contrast that makes each bite an exploration of taste and texture.

Vegan Cabbage Fritters become a canvas for culinary creativity, inviting home cooks to experiment with spices and seasonings to suit their preferences. Whether you prefer a hint of cumin, paprika, or a touch of garlic, these fritters accommodate a variety of flavor profiles, making them a versatile addition to any plant-based kitchen.

As you prepare to savor the crispy perfection of these fritters, envision the aroma of spices wafting through the kitchen and the sound of sizzling as each fritter cooks to golden perfection. The process becomes not just a culinary endeavor but a celebration of plant-based goodness, where a humble vegetable takes center stage and proves that simplicity and deliciousness can coexist in perfect harmony.

Whether you’re a seasoned vegan chef or someone exploring the world of plant-based cooking for the first time, our Vegan Cabbage Fritters invite you to revel in the joy of creating wholesome and flavorful dishes. Join us in savoring the crispy charm of these fritters, where each bite becomes a celebration of cruelty-free creativity and a delicious nod to the potential of plant-based ingredients.

A vegan diet has numerous benefits, and here are some important points
Health Benefits:
Nutrient-Rich: A well-balanced vegan diet can provide all the necessary nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, and fiber, promoting overall health.
Heart Health: Studies suggest that a vegan diet may lower the risk of heart disease by reducing cholesterol levels and blood pressure.
Weight Management: Many people find that adopting a vegan diet helps with weight management due to lower calorie intake and increased consumption of whole, plant-based foods.
Environmental Impact:
Reduced Carbon Footprint: Animal agriculture is a significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions. A vegan diet helps reduce your carbon footprint and combat climate change.
Conservation of Resources: Producing plant-based foods generally requires fewer natural resources like water and land compared to animal farming, contributing to sustainable resource use.
Ethical Considerations:
Animal Welfare: Choosing a vegan lifestyle aligns with ethical considerations, promoting the well-being of animals and avoiding their exploitation for food.
Reduced Animal Suffering: By opting for plant-based alternatives, individuals contribute to the reduction of animal suffering associated with factory farming and other industrial practices.
Diverse Culinary Options:
Creative Cooking: Adopting a vegan diet encourages exploration of diverse and creative cooking techniques, using a wide range of fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, and seeds.
Global Cuisine: Veganism opens up the opportunity to explore and appreciate a variety of global cuisines that are naturally plant-based, fostering a rich and flavorful culinary experience.
Disease Prevention:
Cancer Prevention: Some studies suggest that a vegan diet may lower the risk of certain cancers, including colorectal and breast cancer.
Type 2 Diabetes: Plant-based diets have been linked to a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes due to their positive effects on insulin sensitivity and blood sugar levels.
Economic Considerations:
Cost-Effective: A vegan diet can be cost-effective, as plant-based staples like beans, lentils, and grains are often more affordable than meat and dairy products.
Reduced Healthcare Costs: By promoting overall health and reducing the risk of chronic diseases, a vegan diet may lead to lower healthcare costs in the long run.
Community and Social Impact:
Supporting Sustainable Practices: Choosing vegan options supports businesses and practices that prioritize sustainability, contributing to a positive societal shift towards more eco-friendly choices.
Community Engagement: The growing popularity of veganism has led to the emergence of a vibrant and supportive community that shares recipes, tips, and encouragement.