
  • 2 large eggs (hard boiled) 
  •  1 can (5 ounce) white tuna (packed in water rinsed with water several times and water squeezed out to reduce sodium and sulfites) 
  •  2 teaspoons mayonnaise (I use Cain’s) 
  •  1/4 cup fat-free yogurt (Greek yogurt, I use Market Basket brand) 
  •  19 grams pitted olives (6 green olives, finely chopped) 
  •  Red onion (2 slices, finely chopped) 
  •  1/8 to 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder (to taste) 
  •  1 lemon (fresh, squirt, or to taste) 
  •  Salt and freshly cracked pepper, to taste 


  • Serving Size: 1 (139 g)
  • Calories 149.4
  • Total Fat – 6.9 g
  • Saturated Fat – 1.5 g
  • Cholesterol – 116.1 mg
  • Sodium – 284.1 mg
  • Total Carbohydrate – 8.9 g
  • Dietary Fiber – 1.6 g
  • Sugars – 4.5 g
  • Protein – 14.3 g
  • Calcium – 57 mg
  • Iron – 1.1 mg
  • Vitamin C – 28.2 mg
  • Thiamin – 0 mg

Here are some tips that might help you on your weight loss journey with WW:

  1. Understand the Points System:
    • Familiarize yourself with how WW assigns points to different foods. Foods that are higher in calories and lower in nutritional value will generally have higher points.
  2. Meal Planning:
    • Plan your meals ahead of time to ensure you have a balance of protein, healthy fats, and carbohydrates.
    • Prepare healthy snacks to have on hand when hunger strikes.
  3. Portion Control:
    • Pay attention to portion sizes. Even healthy foods can contribute to weight gain if you eat too much of them.
  4. Stay Hydrated:
    • Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Sometimes our bodies can mistake thirst for hunger.
  5. Include Lean Proteins:
    • Protein-rich foods can help you feel full and satisfied. Include sources like lean meats, fish, eggs, and plant-based proteins in your meals.
  6. Load Up on Veggies:
    • Vegetables are low in points and high in nutrients. Incorporate a variety of colorful vegetables into your meals.
  7. Choose Whole Foods:
    • Opt for whole, minimally processed foods. They often have fewer points and are more nutrient-dense.
  8. Limit Added Sugars:
    • Foods high in added sugars can have higher point values. Be mindful of sweets and opt for natural sources of sweetness when possible.
  9. Smart Snacking:
    • Choose smart snacks that are satisfying but won’t use up too many points. Examples include Greek yogurt, fresh fruit, or a small handful of nuts.
  10. Track Your Points:
    • Consistently track your food intake using the WW app or a journal. This can help you stay accountable and make adjustments as needed.
  11. Incorporate Physical Activity:
    • Exercise can earn you additional points, and it’s essential for overall health. Find activities you enjoy to make it a sustainable part of your routine.
  12. Be Mindful of Zero-Point Foods:
    • While many fruits and vegetables are zero points, be mindful not to overeat them. Listen to your body’s hunger and fullness cues.
  13. Connect with the WW Community:
    • Join WW meetings or connect with the online community for support, inspiration, and tips from others who are on a similar journey.