Picture this: a plate stacked high with fluffy, golden pancakes, tempting you with their aroma and promising a delightful breakfast experience. But what if I told you that these pancakes were not only irresistibly delicious but also incredibly friendly to your wellness and weight management goals? Yes, you heard it right – these are 1 Point Pancakes, specially crafted to fit into your WW (formerly known as Weight Watchers) lifestyle with ease and grace.

In the realm of health-conscious eating, finding a pancake recipe that doesn’t compromise on taste or texture can feel like stumbling upon a hidden treasure. But fear not, for we have unlocked the secret formula to create pancakes that are not only waistline-friendly but also boast a delightful fluffiness that will have you reaching for seconds without a second thought.

Now, let’s address the elephant in the room – bananas. While bananas are undoubtedly a popular ingredient in many pancake recipes, we understand that they’re not everyone’s cup of tea. That’s why our 1 Point Pancakes proudly declare: “No bananas allowed!” Say goodbye to the overpowering banana flavor and hello to a pancake experience that’s all about pure, unadulterated goodness.

But what makes these pancakes so special, you ask? It’s all about the ingredients. We’ve carefully selected each component to ensure that every bite is not only delicious but also aligns with your wellness goals. From the lightness of the flour to the richness of the eggs and the hint of sweetness from a touch of sugar substitute, every ingredient plays its part in creating the perfect pancake experience.

Now, let’s talk about texture. We know that fluffy pancakes are the stuff of dreams, and we’ve worked tirelessly to achieve that ideal texture without piling on the points. The secret lies in the precise balance of wet and dry ingredients, combined with a foolproof cooking method that ensures each pancake rises to its full potential.

So, whether you’re starting your day with a leisurely breakfast or indulging in a weekend brunch with friends, our 1 Point Pancakes are here to elevate your dining experience without derailing your wellness journey. Fluffy, flavorful, and completely banana-free – what more could you ask for in a pancake?

1 Point Pancakes: W/W Friendly – Fluffy, No Bananas!

1 cup self rising flour
1/2 cup NF greek yogurt
2 eggs
1 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/8 teaspoon almond extract
1/3 cup + 2Tablespoons water
Put all ingredients into mixer (wet ingredients first). Mix with whisk attachment until blended. Cook on griddle heated to medium. Makes 12 pancakes, 1 SP each!

1 cup self rising flour
1/2 cup NF greek yogurt
2 eggs
1 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/8 teaspoon almond extract
1/3 cup + 2Tablespoons water
Put all ingredients into mixer (wet ingredients first). Mix with whisk attachment until blended. Cook on griddle heated to medium. Makes 12 pancakes, 1 SP each!