Crafting vegan nougat bars is a delightful culinary adventure, where we artfully blend plant-based ingredients to achieve a perfect harmony of sweetness and texture. The journey begins with the creation of a flavorful sugar syrup, an alchemy of 2 cups of fine sugar dissolved in 1 cup of lukewarm water, enriched with the juice of half a lemon and the aromatic essence of a tablespoon of ground cardamom. This mixture is gently simmered until it transforms into a fragrant and rich syrup, setting the foundation for the nougat’s delectable flavor profile.

Once the syrup is infused with aromatic goodness, the next step is to introduce the delightful crunch factor. This is achieved by folding in 3/4 cup of crushed pistachios, adding both texture and a burst of nutty flavor. As this amalgamation cools slightly, attention turns to the vegan milk component. In a separate bowl, we combine 4 cups of dry vegan milk with a tablespoon of vegetable oil. This creamy concoction is gradually integrated into the sugar and pistachio blend, creating a luscious and smooth nougat base.

The heart of the process lies in cooking this combined mixture over low heat until it achieves a nougat-like texture, a patient endeavor spanning approximately 10-15 minutes. Stirring becomes a meditative act, crucial for preventing any untoward burning. To elevate the nougat’s chewiness, we introduce 1/2 cup of cornstarch gradually, ensuring it blends seamlessly into the mixture and contributes to the desired consistency.

With the nougat base perfected, it’s time to transfer this culinary creation into a greased mold, shaping it evenly for the final presentation. Allow it to cool at room temperature before embarking on the final phase – refrigeration for a few hours or overnight. This step is critical for ensuring the nougat sets completely, achieving the desired firmness and structure.

To complement the sensory pleasure of these vegan nougat bars, consider the nutritional aspects per serving. While these values are approximate, they offer valuable insights into the overall composition, including calories, protein, fat, carbohydrates, and fiber. Indulge in the final result, savoring the sweetness of sugar, the richness of pistachios, and the aromatic touch of cardamom—a perfect plant-based treat that satisfies sweet cravings while aligning with a vegan lifestyle.

Vegan Nougat Bars Recipe

Indulge in these delightful vegan nougat bars, savoring the sweet combination of sugar, the richness of pistachios, and the aromatic touch of cardamom. Perfect for satisfying your sweet cravings in a plant-based way!


Creating vegan nougat bars involves a combination of ingredients to achieve the perfect balance of sweetness and texture. Gather the following items:

  1. 2 cups fine sugar
  2. 1 cup lukewarm water
  3. Juice of half a lemon
  4. 1 tablespoon ground cardamom
  5. 3/4 cup crushed pistachios
  6. 4 cups dry vegan milk
  7. 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
  8. 1/2 cup cornstarch


Begin by making a flavorful sugar syrup. In a saucepan, dissolve 2 cups of fine sugar in 1 cup of lukewarm water over medium heat. Once the sugar is fully dissolved, add the juice of half a lemon and incorporate 1 tablespoon of ground cardamom for a delightful aroma. Allow the mixture to simmer, developing a rich and fragrant syrup.

Next, introduce the crunch element by stirring in 3/4 cup of crushed pistachios. Let the mixture cool slightly as you prepare the vegan milk component. In a separate bowl, combine 4 cups of dry vegan milk with 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil. Gradually add this mixture to the sugar and pistachio blend, ensuring a smooth incorporation.

Now, cook the combined mixture over low heat until it reaches a nougat-like consistency. This process typically takes around 10-15 minutes, so be patient and stir continuously to prevent burning.

To enhance the nougat texture, gradually add 1/2 cup of cornstarch while stirring constantly. This thickens the mixture, contributing to the chewiness of the nougat.

Once your vegan nougat base is ready, transfer it into a greased mold. A square or rectangular shape works well. Spread the mixture evenly and allow it to cool at room temperature before refrigerating for a few hours or overnight to set completely.

Nutritional Information (per serving):

Now, let’s consider the nutritional aspect of these vegan nougat bars. Keep in mind that these values are approximate and may vary based on specific ingredients and serving sizes:

  • Calories: [Insert calorie count]
  • Protein: [Insert protein content]
  • Fat: [Insert fat content]
  • Carbohydrates: [Insert carbohydrate content]
  • Fiber: [Insert fiber content]